Current Issue #488

84 Halifax Street

84 Halifax Street

by Oxigen

84 Halifax adds to the rich layering of our city and the increasing visibility of Adelaide as one of Australia’s best designed and most liveable places.

This new insertion into our urban fabric demonstrates the value that small, incremental design moves have in contributing towards a street and neighbourhood character. Spaces are created that flow from indoors to out, from street to rooftop, from public to private. The results are open, crafted spaces that are exuberant in sharing a love for design, functionality, materiality, craftsmanship and community.

The total site design arranges spaces to connect with the street life sharing the busy-ness of the public realm with the chaos of a small-bar and café. The open Halifax Street façade connects directly to the upper level courtyard drawing in north-facing sunlight and ventilation to the internal spaces, bringing light and environmental comfort to what would otherwise be a dark, south-facing shop-front.

Photo Credit: Josie Withers

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In 1936, Hermann Baring captured the State and its capital in pictures. For all time. Inspired by his work, photographer Mick Bradley and writer Lance Campbell set out in Baring’s footsteps. In images and words, City Streets is progressive Adelaide today. This is a unique book about a unique city. For all time.

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