Current Issue #488

Oaklands Park and Wetland

Oaklands Park and Wetland

Practice Name:  TCL (Taylor Cullity Leathlean)
Client: City of Marion

The Oaklands Park Masterplan and stage one implementation has created a new public reserve and wetland at the former Oaklands Park Driver Development Centre site.

The project is a partnership between the City of Marion, the Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges Natural Resources Management Board, the SA Government, and the Australian Government as part of the Stormwater Reuse and Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) project. The redevelopment masterplan is the first to be endorsed by all stakeholders in over 20 years after several unsuccessful attempts.

Photography: Sam Noonan

Critically for the project, the masterplan included an intensive community consultation program, protection of cultural heritage, provision for new recreation spaces with improved visitor security (enabling safe evening use) and an approved location for a new skate facility (designed by Outer Space).

The western portion of site is retained as a significant birdwatching destination, with revegetation and habitat restoration facilitated by schools and local community groups. Existing trees are integrated and protected throughout, with the park and wetland capturing and cleansing 500ML of water per year for aquifer recharge and future reuse.

Water redistribution ultimately reaches over 30 council parks and reserves, significantly improving and upgrading local amenity, and building resilience across the greater City of Marion.

Photo Credit: Sam Noonan

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