Current Issue #488

Gilbert and Sullivan - The Mikado

Gilbert and Sullivan - The Mikado
Dates 23 November 2019
Time 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Venue Festival Theatre Directions
Cost $70
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Gilbert & Sullivan’s most famous opera The Mikado bounces along as a riot of colour, comedy and cutting commentary. It’s a Hello Kitty, pink polka-dotted, smart-phone-selfie world called Titipu and its residents are a mad bunch of bureaucrats, young schoolgirls and a captivating cougar named Katisha. It is quite simply beautifully executed comedy.


9 Nov, 7.30pm
13 Nov, 7.30pm
15 Nov, 7.30pm
16 Nov, 7.30pm
20 Nov, 7.30pm
23 Nov, 1.00pm


Premium $140
A Res $100
B Res $80
C Res $70
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