B i s t r o D o m

Bistro Dom’s winter menu brings a taste of the very best in Basque and Catalan traditions to an Australian plate. Dishes like the Catalan seafood soup expertly draw out the natural flavours of their ingredients, and paired with a good wine, like the exquisite Alpha Box & Dice 2014 Dolcetto, are an easily enjoyed experience. Sides such as the ingeniously cooked (and equally delicious) batatas arrugadas (wrinkly potatoes) perfectly accompany hearty yet delicate dishes, adding a rustic feel to it all. Bistro Dom 24 Waymouth Street 8231 7000 bistrodom.com.au
1 9 1 8 B i s t r o & G r i l l

The established jewel of the Barossa that is 1918 has long been a destination for cosy winter dining. With a new chef under its belt, 1918 will be running three special banquets over winter, as local winemakers match their wines with hearty bistro dishes. Don’t expect your regular winter fare of beef and potatoes at 1918, though! This bistro also specialises in seafood, with a delectable Atlantic salmon dish and spectacular scallop ceviche on the menu that pair perfectly with the Tomfoolery 2015 Fox Whistle Pinot Gris. 1918 Bistro & Grill 94 Murray Street, Tanunda 8563 0405 1918.com.au
B e n j a m i n o n F r a n k l i n

So much of dining is theatre, and that’s an unmissable aspect of dining at the Benjamin on Franklin. With a transfixing decor, booming craft beer selection and dishes to match, this homely city pub is perfect for long laughs among friends over cool winter nights. Marvel as the cloche comes off spilling thyme-flavoured smoke over your table and this locally-sourced duck and housemade fettucine dish. Paired with the Goodieson Brown Ale, this plate is all-consuming. Benjamin on Franklin 233 Franklin Street 8231 4380 benjaminonfranklin.com.au
T h e P l a y f o r d R e s t a u r a n t

You don’t have to travel far to find fine hotel dining thanks to The Playford on North Terrace. With a menu not shy on international influences, The Playford focusses on seasonal vegetables, along with hearty meats and homemade winter breads. Top of the list is the utterly scrumptious Pork Scotch Filet, which simply falls apart under the knife after its 18-hour cook, which is accompanied by four clever and contrasting interpretations of the wintry parsnip as well as the 2013 John Duval Annexus Grenache. This is one to warm the heart and the belly. The Playford Restaurant 120 North Terrace 8213 8844 theplayford.com.au
T h e U n l e y

The Unley prides itself on staying true to its pub roots while simultaneously offering a sophisticated menu for a contemporary crowd. Classic meat and veg dishes are presented with panache, while the newly added winter menu dishes are just as beautiful, but add an element of exploration. The lamb shoulder is a dish with all the right things to warm you up on a winter’s night and is versatile enough to be paired with much of The Unley’s great range of tap beers, local wines and classic spirits. The Unley 27 Unley Road 8271 5544 theunley.com.au
K i n K i n T h a i E a t e r y

A brand new Thai restaurant on Hutt Street is set to turn up the heat in one of the city’s quickest growing dining hotspots this winter. With a diverse array of traditional Thai dishes, all cooked from scratch by Kin Kin’s experienced staff as well as a sophisticated local wine list, this is the place to rediscover the core of Thai cuisine in local comfort. Try a three-course set of son-in-law egg, massaman beef curry, and coconut dumplings alongside the 2015 Tim Smith Bugalugs Grenache and you’ll see what we mean. Kin Kin Thai Eatery 242 Hutt Street 7073 0328 kinkinthai.com.au
M i l e E n d H o t e l

The end is nigh! This quirky, comfortable and warm pub on the west side of town has long been a bastion of high-end pub-grub. Unapologetically specialising in the dishes people love, Mile End takes pub plates and adds the extra gastropub touch to make the experience unforgettable. See the gorgeously aromatic chicken salad. Delightfully arranged, this buttermilk poached chicken sitting among a bed of garden greens with heirloom tomatoes, roast pumpkin and pancetta is a lovely yet light winter dish. Mile End Hotel 30 Henley Beach Road 8443 4756 mileendhotel.com.au
C u l s h a w ‘ s a t t h e M a j e s t i c H o t e l

“Keep it simple, and do it properly.” That’s the motto of the Majestic Hotel on Frome Road. Much like the modern and minimalist design of the hotel, its street-side dining room (Culshaw’s Restaurant) is determined to bring its food back to the basics with beautiful presentation and strong flavours. Take the beef filet along with square cut chips and broccolini. Simple. Elegant. Delicious. With a great range of dishes, many including native Australian ingredients, and a stellar collection of local wines and craft beers, Culshaw’s is a tasty way to start a night out in the East End. Culshaw’s 55 Frome Road 1800 008 499 culshaws.com.au
G i l b e r t S t r e e t H o t e l

Known for its weekly buffalo wing night, the Gilbert Street Hotel is a hotspot for decadent plates. This winter, the Gilbert has a local, seasonal focus, but contains dishes from all over the world. The moreish Moroccan lamb, along with harissa, baby carrots and chickpea sprouts, is one such meal – and it’s a stunner. Follow this with the scrumptious chocolate parfait with berry moule, cream and freeze dried balsamic. Gilbert Street Hotel 88 Gilbert Street 8231 4380 gilbertsthotel.com.au
N e s t B i s t r o C o f f e e B a r

Nest supports an eclectic menu, with a range of options available to people of all tastes and expectations. While daytime services fulfil all expectations of a modern bistro, the evening menu is where Nest truly shines. Key to their winter menu is the sumptuous seafood paella, containing a cornucopia of shellfish and other sea creatures sure to fill the belly and warm the heart amid cool nights. Nest Bistro Coffee Bar 104 Walkerville Terrace 8342 0287 nestbcb.com.au
T h e C o l o n i s t

The Colonist’s menu is just as eclectic as its kitsch yet contemporary décor. With a seasonal menu bringing together a sprawling variety of delicious winter warmers, we recommend the hearty rabbit ragu. Mixed with a thick pappardelle pasta, this dish is perfectly suited for a cool winter night. Follow it up with the deconstructed apple and berry pie, a veritable forest of sweet winter fruits beside lashings of cream and crispy pastry and you’ll be completely satisfied. The Colonist 44 The Parade 8362 3736 colonist.com.au Read More: Adelaide’s Winter Dining – The Venues Photos: Andy Nowell *Adelaide’s Winter Dining is a promotional feature from The Adelaide Review
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