The Planning Institute’s annual Awards for Excellence demonstrate the very real value that planning and planners add to the everyday lives of South Australians. In an industry that so often gets bad press it’s vital that we tell the good news stories, to share the countless achievements that help shape built environment to reflect our aspirations as a community. At a time when planning is in the spotlight – with debate swirling around issues such as the State Government’s plans for increased urban density around inner metropolitan sites – it’s more important than ever that planning professionals and the planning sector as a whole demonstrate the enormous positive contribution they can make to the built environment. The 2013 Awards for Excellence judging panel was presented with strong nominations from across most fields of planning practice and throughout the state. The quality and variety of the 2013 field is testament to the planning profession’s capacity for innovative and creative responses to urban and regional planning challenges, even under difficult and fast-changing circumstances. The award winners give a useful indicator of planning’s focus over the last year, and hint at what we might see emerge from the sector in the coming year. This year’s suite of winners presented pioneering solutions to the challenges of growth on Adelaide’s urban fringe and new approaches to ‘future proofing’ industry in the state’s regions. It embodied the ongoing revolution in place making and the nascent sea change in how planners and policy makers incorporate community input into their thinking. We also saw planning used as a prism through which to envisage healthier, happier communities. As any awards program like this should, the 2013 Awards for Excellence showcased leadership in responses to current planning trends, community expectations and policy. Entries in the 2013 Awards reflected contributions from planning practitioners in the private sector, in Councils and in State Government. They show once again that good planning can positively shape communities and environments across the state. I congratulate all the winners and the nominees for being a part of this year’s Awards. I would also like to personally thank all of those people who helped make the Awards process run smoothly and the Awards night a success, particularly the judging panel under the steady guidance of Awards Convenor Stuart Moseley as well the PIA staff and volunteers whose efforts culminated in an inspiring evening thoroughly enjoyed by all who attended. George Inglis, Executive Officer, PIA (SA Division) 2013 AWARDS FOR PLANNING EXCELLENCE • PLANNER OF THE YEAR AWARD Winner: Sandy Rix (Renewal SA) • YOUNG PLANNER OF THE YEAR AWARD Winner: Tammie Hamilton (City of Playford) • FROM PLAN TO PLACE AWARD Commendation: City of Onkaparinga, Jensen Planning + Design, Giordano & Associates, Brecknock Consulting, Lelio Bibbo Pty Ltd, Lucid Consulting Australia, Piazza della Valle Italian Heritage Association and Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure. • OUTSTANDING STUDENT PROJECT AWARD – TERTIARY AWARD Winner: Hannah Shaw Commendation: Michael Dickson • BEST PLANNING IDEAS – LARGE PROJECT AWARD Winner: City of Port Pirie Regional Council and Connor Holmes (A Fyfe Company) District Council of Franklin Harbour, Masterplan SA Pty Ltd and Ian Robertson Design Commendation: City of Onkaparinga • BEST PLANNING IDEAS – SMALL PROJECT AWARD Winner: Adelaide City Council, Foods for Life and Troppo Architects • PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT AND COMMUNITY PLANNING AWARD Commendation: District Council of the Copper Coast, Wax Design, URPS, InfraPlan and Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure. • PROMOTION OF PLANNING AWARD Winner: Lord Mayor Stephen Yarwood • PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT AND COMMUNITY PLANNING Winner: City of Salisbury Commendation: District Council of Loxton Waikerie, Adelaide City Council and Jensen Planning + Design • IMPROVING PLANNING PROCESSES AND PRACTICES AWARD Winner: District Council of Mallala, Hickinbottom Group and Connor Holmes (A Fyfe Company) • PRESIDENT’S AWARD Winner: Heart Foundation SA, South Australian Active Living Coalition, CIC Australia and Renewal SA • MINISTER’S AWARD Winner: Medium Density Project. City of Onkaparinga. Commendation: Two Wells Residential Growth Framework. District Council of Mallala, Hickinbotham Group and Connor Holmes (A Fyfe Company) • FELLOW ELEVATIONS Awarded to: Alan Rumsby and Stephen Smith
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