AGDA Goes Fringe
The Australian Graphic Design Association (AGDA) SA council is heads-down preparing the coming year with events and programs to support our members and the local design community. So while we’re still locking in definite details for much of the year, we can announce that the first major event for AGDA SA will be held as part of the 2017 Adelaide Fringe.
On Tuesday, March 6, AGDA presents The A-Z OF TDR™ (30 Years / 26 Letters / 120 Minutes) by Ian Anderson — the founder of the design studio The Designers Republic.
The Designers Republic, which has work held in the permanent collections of MoMA and the V&A, is known the world over for its innovative design approach and originality. Never one to shy away from opinions, we invite you to spend an evening with Anderson to hear him talk about the work of TDR™, both in specific design terms and anecdotally, to give a sense of how they think, how they work and who they work with and why.
Bookings can be made at the Adelaide Fringe website. I look forward to seeing you there.
If you’re not already a member, to stay up to date with AGDA related news and events, be sure to register at

Shane Keane is the Chair of AGDA SA
AIA’s Professional and Public Engagement
The Australian Institute of Architects (AIA) has another active and interesting year ahead. A diverse program of professional development, advocacy and member services assist our members in providing high quality services and staying abreast of theoretical, technical and regulatory change.
The headline event for 2017 is the return of the Festival of Architecture and Design – FAD. Held in October, FAD explores the best of South Austra lian design and includes professional forums as well as opportunities for the public to engage with local designers. Planning has commenced and information will be released as it becomes available via the website
The Institute’s awards program also provides a platform for celebrating the outstanding achievements of the profession. The awards exhibition opens at ODASA’s Leigh Street exhibition space on Friday, March 17, with the jury presentations occurring on Saturday, March 18. The jury presentations, which are open to the public, clearly demonstrate that award winning projects are about more than aesthetics, with architects discussing the diverse infl uences and complex decision making processes that generate great outcomes.
The Awards Program culminates in a presentation dinner on June 10. The Lightning Talk held a few weeks afterwards provides the profession and the public with an opportunity to celebrate the best of the best.
From an advocacy perspective, the Institute will continue working with government regarding project procurement, planning reform, local heritage legislation and increasing the use of South Australian services and products in construction projects. The Institute has also engaged with government to evaluate the STEM projects being rolled out in 139 schools and to develop strategies for maximising the value provided by these projects.
Exploration of topical issues will also take place through programs such as Architecture on Show and Design Conversations. Both programs provide an opportunity for architects and the community to come together to discuss the ability for good design to improve our environment and quality of life.

Nicolette Di Lernia is the SA Chapter Manager of AIA
Shaping Communities with AILA SA
Within South Australia, the majority of landscape architects are employed within design firms that range from single owner to larger international design practices. Increasingly, over a third of local members are now employed for a variety of roles within State Government and local metropolitan councils across Greater Adelaide, as well as leadership within the universities.
2017 presents a number of new and exciting opportunities for landscape architecture. The Australian Institute of Landscape Architects – SA Chapter (AILA SA) will again host our annual awards program, recognising the best of South Australian design across 14 key categories, including civic spaces, parks and open space, infrastructure, tourism and research. Our national awards program provides the Institute with the opportunity to demonstrate to the wider public the quality of design undertaken in South Australia, and the diversity of influence landscape architects have in improving our quality of life.
In 2017, AILA SA will be focused on working collaboratively with the State Government to help advance a number of key strategies, including working with the Department of Health and Ageing as co-sponsor to the Healthy Parks Healthy People Public Open Space Action Plan: Green infrastructure in Urban Settings.
More than four in every five South Australians live within the Greater Adelaide region and our urban population is forecast to continue to grow through greater urban infill. The design and integration of healthy places within the wider social economic and environmental fabric of our cities, towns and neighborhoods will require a higher level of sensitivity, foresight, creative imagination and stewardship. As co-sponsor of the Action Plan, AILA SA will work with other government agencies to advocate for greater recognition of design process leading to higher quality parks, streetscapes and other urban spaces.
In addition, AILA SA remains committed to working with the State Government in the development of the new planning system, to ensure the planning reform process can enable quality built outcomes that better provide for the health and wellbeing of our community, the resilience of our suburbs and the respect of our natural environment.
These are exciting opportunities for the profession to further raise its profile within South Australia and reflect the importance of landscape architecture in shaping the quality of our communities.

Ben Willsmore, President Australian Institute of Landscape Architects – SA Chapter
An Exciting 2017 for DIA
The Design Institute of Australia (DIA) SA/NT Branch is looking forward to an exciting 2017. We will kick off our year with our popular lawn bowls event on Wednesday, March 8 (tickets are still available).
This year, the DIA council will bring you a range of events, including the return of some existing programs and the introduction of new activities to help support and celebrate our members and our industry, including:
• Graduate of the Year Awards (GOTYA) – celebrating the best of our latest cohort of design industry graduates. Local GOTYA recipients are considered for Australian Graduate of the Year – AGOTYA; a wonderful national survey of graduates.
• Live Design – an exciting design challenge where designs are brought to life – live! This event has been well subscribed over past years and again a different material will be offering new challenges.
• World Industrial Design Day – on June 29
• Speed Meet – a networking event that will connect students with established practitioners.
In this coming year, we will be celebrating 25 years of the DIA SA/NT Design Awards and we have a sub-committee already working on making this year’s awards the best yet.
Stay tuned for more information as the year progresses. We see this as an opportunity to highlight some of the top designers and projects throughout the year.
If you are not a member of the DIA, now is a great time to join. For more information on our membership opportunities, please visit the Design Institute of Australia’s website.

Peter Coombs is the DIA SA/NT President
New Year, New System for PIA’s Planning
This year is looking like it’s going to be a BIG year for planning. With the implementation of the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act (PDI Act), a year out from a state election, the Planning Institute of Australia (PIA) considers this is the year the rubber hits the road. With an election looming, the government will want to get wins on the board. The Minister for Planning has released a very ambitious road map of the implementation of the PDI Act.
The soon to be announced State Planning Commission will set the tone for the year, particularly whom will chair the commission, as it is central to many of the decisions that will be made in implementing the new system including what and when the community will be consulted.
We are offering support to DPTI to assist them in implementing the new system. However, we are cautious. With the political pressure of the election, we will be active in ensuring the new system embeds good quality planning principles that offer a fair and equitable system for South Australia.
In addition to this, PIA is preparing to assist members with change. By doing so, we are hopeful and encouraging our members to assist their council and communities in also making the change and understanding the new system.
PIA also suggests you, as a community member, should also take an interest in the new system; understand what it means for the community you live in and how this might affect your rights to have a say in the future.
Keep abreast of what will be changing and when there is an opportunity to have a say consider having one.

Kym Pryde, MPIA President, Planning Institute Australia (SA)
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