Holden Street Theatres – The Studio, Saturday, February 15
With physical humour, musical comedy, and plenty of puns, writer-performer John Hinton brings the work of Albert Einstein to life in this immensely entertaining show under director Daniel Goldman. Almost a one-man play (with Jo Eagle providing piano accompaniment while playing three largely silent characters), Hinton’s enthusiasm is infectious as he not only uses songs to create a biography of Einstein but also employs audience members to convey some of the genius physicist’s theories. As well as tickling your funny bone, the show also pulls your heartstrings when Einstein, a lifelong pacifist, confronts his role in inventing the atomic bomb. The inclusion of an educational rap and a puppetry sequence could have seemed at odds with the predominantly middle-aged crowd, but everyone present was enthralled by Hinton’s energy and stage presence. Probably the only show you’ll see at the Fringe that comes with an explanatory glossary of terms used! Rating: ***** Albert Einstein: Relativitively Speaking continues at Holden Street Theatres – The Studio until Sunday, March 16 *This review also appears on Rip It Up