“South Australia was first to legislate a greenhouse emissions target, we’ve announced a goal of making the CBD carbon neutral and now we’re holding ourselves accountable by reporting our results internationally,” Premier Jay Weatherill shared on Facebook. “We’re transitioning to a low–carbon economy that will attract investment, drive innovation and create jobs.” The Adelaide City Council’s $1 million Greener Streets project is about to go to public consultation. The project is part of a larger green infrastructure plan that would help the Adelaide City Council reach this carbon neutral goal. If approved, Greener Streets will allow for demonstration projects for more trees, green walls and rooftop gardens in the CBD. Councillor Robert Simms says this is a real opportunity for Adelaide to position itself as a “real leader in sustainability”. “We’re a small city and we can roll out these things in a really big way,” he says. “Obviously there are some benefits in terms of making the city more liveable, as it reduces things like the heat island effect. No one wants to live in a concrete desert.” The Adelaide City Council’s Program Manager for City Design and Transport, Daniel Bennett, says Greener Streets will hopefully be approved by July 1. “With the new council, obviously there are certain elected members who have a passion for this. It [Greener Streets] has been through the chamber and they’ve endorsed it. We will be required to follow that broad strategic approach through to our annual business plan and budget and come up with initiatives, which we’ve done. We’re in the middle of looking at a whole lot of green initiatives for next year and the year after, which is pretty exciting. “In my area of council we’re responsible for the urban design framework for the city, which we’ve rebranded the Adelaide Design Manual. That will be a guide for all of these things, that will guide all of our street’s public material and green infrastructure. We have a clear strategy of how we will trial and implement green infrastructure.” Simms says Greener Streets and green infrastructure are a chance for the CBD to reach that carbon neutral objective and become a leading sustainable city. “Personally, I think we can be a leading sustainable city not just nationally but internationally. What I’d love to see, along with this greening work, is council playing a role in supporting green innovation and new technology that deals with sustainability. I think there’s a real chance to transition our city and prepare us for the future.”
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