The City of Norwood Payneham & St Peters is implementing a Bicycle Boulevard along Beulah Road Norwood, between Portrush Road and Fullarton Road. It is the first of five identified Boulevards to be progressed for implementation within the Council area, as it is the highest priority route used by cyclists and aligns with adjoining Councils’ priorities for cycling accessibility and the State Government’s objectives for connectivity and safety for cyclists in the east.
The creation of a Bicycle Boulevard along Beulah Road has the following objectives:
- safer and more attractive route for people to cycle compared to parallel arterial roads;
- lower traffic volumes and speeds;
- shared roadway for motorists and cyclists;
- improve pedestrian accessibility and safety;
- build on the connectivity to The Parade;
- increased liveability through the creation of Streets for People.
The key design features of the Beulah Road Bicycle Boulevard design includes:
- removal of the left-hand bicycle line marking on both sides of Beulah Road;
- removal of centreline line marking and use of sharrow line marking in the centre of the vehicle travel lanes, indicating this space is expected to be used jointly by cyclists and motorists;
- use of distinctive pavement treatment for entrances to Beulah Road from Fullarton Road and Portrush Road with place-making entry statement signs for Beulah Road Bikeway;
- improved integration of the cyclist path leading into Beulah Road from Fullarton Road;
- raised table treatments with distinctive pavement and landscaping at three (3) intersections;
- mid-block – raised table treatment proposed with distinctive pavement at six (6) locations
- distinctive pavement on north-south approaches to four existing (4) roundabouts;
- raised wombat (pedestrian) crossing- adjacent north western entrance to Norwood Primary School; and
- upgrading of the Osmond Terrace median including a separated pedestrian and cyclist path, paved central “plaza” area with landscaping and a bike repair station.
- educational signage to introduce road users to the sharrow logos
The Council has worked collaboratively with the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure (DPTI), who have also provided valuable funding support, to support this project as part of the broader Norwood – Magill Bikeway strategic cycling route.
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